All you should know about Skin Cancer and Mole Check

Skin is one of the most important and delicate organs of the human body, it’s so sensitive that a minor temperature change can affect it adversely. Moreover, excessive exposure to cosmetics, sun, dust, dirt or even hormonal change can create unforeseen troubles like allergic skin or melanomic moles which are truly fatal. Due to the rising case of melanoma cancer in women, each one out there should carefully examine her skin for Skin Cancer and Mole Check. Moles are the only visible things on which one can be analyzed for melanoma or skin cancer. 

 Though moles are natural and are harmless, but melonemic moles are different in appearance from ordinary moles in size, color, and even texture. So, one should be wise enough to differentiate between harmful and harmless moles or get it analyzed by a skin care specialist or dermatologist. To do it on one’s own, one can get a full-length mirror to analyze the overall body for any kind of deadly mole especially for those who have any close relative history suffered from this, or have fair skin or have multiple moles on the body. Keep checking for the new moles after every month. 

To examine it, you should know all about its appearance: Its Appearance-

   Asymmetry: Half of the appearance of the mole is different from the other half
   Border: The mole has uneven, indistinct, or asymmetrical edges.
•  Color: The mole keeps changing its shades and the color could vary as white, red-brown, black, or blue.
•   Diameter: Its diameter would be similar to the fingertip.
   Evolution: The mole will keep on increasing and will become puffy and elevated 

Limit your exposure to the sun or use sunscreen while leaving for sun exposure. The moles could appear in a hidden area like the gap of the fingers or toe etc, so don’t miss hidden areas. Check if the mole experiences pain and tenderness or if it bleeds, oozes liquid out or is itchy. All such things can help in analyzing the moles for early distinction and diagnose to go for Skin Cancer Surgery in Abu Dhabi.


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