
Showing posts from December, 2020

Consult Plastic surgery in Abu Dhabi to restore youthful look on your face

  Fractional laser is used to correct wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentations, and improve scars. It is also known as laser resurfacing of the skin and there are two types of resurfacing used for facial rejuvenation and they are ablative and non-ablative laser treatment. This procedure can treat minor facial flaws and improve the appearance of the facial skin. Fractional laser in Abu Dhabi can use both treatments to reduce recovery time and decrease the risks of possible side effects. if you have minor blemishes like pigmentation, acne or wrinkles fractional laser can treat them and give you new skin that is healthy. Face-lift is another cosmetic surgical procedure which is also known as Rhytidectomy and is undertaken to improve facial appearance and youthful looks. This surgical procedure addresses the cosmetic side and reduces folds of skin and sagging in the jaw line and cheeks as well as other changes that will improve the looks of your face.   The Face Lift Abu Dhabi duri...

Detect skin cancer symptoms early so it can be treated by your dermatologist

Skin cancer is a deadly disease that is difficult to treat if detected in a later stage. Skin cancer is usually caused by ultraviolet rays and is mostly contract through sunbathing, exposure to sunlight, and tanning beds. Exposing your skin to the sun during summer as well as winter will cause skin cancer and some of the skin cancers can be treated if detected early.   Skin cancer or melanoma symptoms ·          A mole on the skin that change color, feel or size or when it bleeds ·          Large brownish spot on the skin with dark-hued speckles ·          The lesion  that has irregular borders and some of its portions sporting red, white, blue, pink or blue-black colors ·          A lesion that is painful and itches and burns How to detect skin cancer? To detect skin cancer you must undergo Skin cancer and mole ch...